So, we survived 12/21/12 and the world continues. With the whole world talking about the Mayans
yesterday it struck me that the perfect way to start this blog would be to tell
you the story about how a Mayan pyramid changed my life.
The story starts way back in my childhood. The minute that I first learned about the
Mayans, I was completely and utterly fascinated. The very first thing that I ever put on my
bucket list (before I even knew what a bucket list was) is that I wanted to
stand on top of a Mayan pyramid. This fascination continued into my
adulthood. Whenever local museums have
had exhibits or guest lecturers talking about Mayans I have been the first in
line to attend. Yes, I was rather
About a year and a half ago I was going thru a rough
time. A job that I once loved was no
longer satisfying. I was considering
re-focusing my career in another direction.
My whole life just felt stagnant, like I didn’t have anything to look
forward to anymore. My sweet hubby was
trying to think of something to help me and knew that an adventure was exactly
what I needed. So, he proposed that we
take a vacation to the Yucatan peninsula so that I could finally see the
homeland of the Maya and experience the ruins in person. Then he took it one step further and found a
site that still allows you to climb the pyramids. This was it!
I was actually going to get my opportunity to fulfill my lifelong dream.
Then, reality set in.
I was fat, out of shape, and in my late forties. I was in no condition to try climbing a
pyramid. Did I mention that I’m also
afraid of heights? But, I decided that I
would still try. Even if I got up a few
steps I could still feel the stones and say that I had been on a pyramid, even
if it wasn’t the top.
When the day of the climb arrived I was beyond excited and
scared stiff. I stood at the bottom of
the pyramid and stared up in awe. It was
huge! This was Nohuch Mul, the tallest
pyramid on the Yucatan peninsula and second tallest in the entire Mayan world. I took the first step. That wasn’t so bad. I made a few more steps. It was steep and the steps were very
crumbly. I climbed and climbed until I
finally decided I had to take a break. I
turned around and sat down on the steps.
I was only about a quarter of the way up, but the view was already
breathtaking. We had arrived early, so
hubby and I were the only ones on the pyramid.
We had such a perfect moment, sitting on this pyramid all alone. It was calm and serene, but I wanted to try
to get a little higher.
This is when things started to get more difficult. It seemed like every step got a little taller
and a little steeper. By the time we
were about halfway up I was really struggling.
A tour bus had arrived and there were all these young and in-shape
people that were just cruising up the steps like it was the escalator at the
mall. By this time I had been reduced to
crawling up the pyramid. I could only go
a couple of steps at a time without having to stop and rest. Every sensible brain cell I had was screaming
at me to stop. But there was this other
voice in my head. That voice was telling
me that this was a life-changing event and that I owed it to myself to give it
my all. Of course, the best voice of all
was my sweet hubby telling me that he believed in me, that he knew I could do
this, that he wouldn’t let me fall.
Then came that awful moment.
The moment when I didn’t think I could do it anymore. The moment that I gave up. The moment that my hubby said he would finish
the climb for me and take some pictures from the top so I could see it. I said there for a few minutes with sweat
pouring down my face, huffing & puffing and trembling with exhaustion. I looked out over that incredible vista
telling myself that I should be very proud that I made it this far. Then I looked over my shoulder to see the top
and realized that it was only about a half dozen steps away. I had nothing left, there was no way I could
do even that much. Then, from somewhere
deep inside me I found this fierce determination that I would not give up. I climbed one more step. Then another
step. It took awhile, but I was able to
make the six most physically draining steps of my entire life. I stepped onto the top of Nohuch Mul and
immediately burst into tears. I had done
it! I had fulfilled a childhood dream,
overcome my biggest physical challenge ever, and defeated the voices in my head
that said I was too old & too fat. I
looked out over this vista that seemed to go on forever and felt the whole
world open up before me.

Since that day I have looked at the world in a whole new
way. I left the job that I no longer
loved. I studied and became certified in
my new career direction. I realized that
I had a whole lot left to look forward to in life. Now, whenever I am facing something that
scares me or seems too hard, I just say to myself “I climbed the pyramid”.