Monday, March 31, 2014

Homesick for Bluebonnets

It snowed again on Saturday. Is this winter never going to end?  I’m a Texas girl, and this time of year I should be going for long drives in the country to enjoy the wildflowers.  Ohio is very nice in fall, but this winter is killing me.  Mother Nature, do you hear me?  I. Am. Over. It. 

To cheer myself up, or maybe just to torture myself, I've been dreaming of bluebonnets.  This is what spring is supposed to look like.

Gorgeous photo of bluebonnets is from

You hear me Ohio?  I need spring, and I need it now. Please.


  1. Oh no! You are still Texan in your heart. And if it makes you feel better we don't have any bluebonnets out yet...hopefully another week or two!?! Come on Ohio,get with it!

    1. I guess you can take the girl out of Texas, but you can't take Texas out of the girl!


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