Friday, July 18, 2014

Making the Leap

First of all, let me apologize for disappearing for so long. As if my life wasn’t already crazy enough with the move and settling into our new home, I decided to up the ante. I resigned from my job!
My position had morphed quite a bit since I started at the company. I have nothing against taking on new responsibilities and learning new things, but the part of my job that I like the most I was doing less and less.  I administer CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems. I’ve been doing it for years, and I’ve worked with both SalesForce and Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
When I decided that the time had come to get back to doing CRM exclusively, I also decided to fully embrace Microsoft Dynamics. Not only am I going to take the certifications exam for administration, I am also going to study development.  I start a workshop on extending CRM on Monday.
My last day at work is Friday, and I start my workshop on Monday. That gives me one week-end to pivot from one mindset to another. I am beyond excited!
This probably means that the techy, geeky side of me will be coming out to blog more often. I promise I’ll try not to bore anyone!  I’ll do my best to bring out the silliness in software!


  1. Yay!! Congrats!! Exciting- the start of anew adventure. :))

    1. Thank you! My brain is exploding from all of the new info, but I am so very happy that I decided to do this.


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